Today I threw a birthday party for my son. For a party with 30 kids, it was over all too soon!
This whirlwind party was the quickest and easiest party I have organized. All that was needed was a cake, some table decorations, goodie bags full of unhealthy snacks, and a bit of luck - catering to 30 seven-year-olds is no mean feat.
My seven-year-old son, Krysh wanted a "playable Angry Bird cake", so I bought his favourite chocolate cake (from Bengawan Solo) and decorated it with Angry Bird toys bought from the local peddlers. His classmates sang him a birthday song, the cake was cut, and devoured! Some even asked for seconds - there were no left overs!
Kids love goodie bags. And when the birthday boy distributed the goodie bags, there were squeals of delight! Mamee noodles and chips - sorry moms, but the kids LOVE them. And of course an Angry Bird multi-coloured pen!
And then, they were off to play with the cake toppings!! 15 minutes! And the party was done!
We left the kids in school, all happy and pumped up with sugar, MSG and adrenaline... (Sorry teachers, we hope they didn't give you too much trouble).
Matthew treating Krysh to an orange juice! |
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