I am surprise at MY excitement that today is the LAST day of the school before the mid-year break!!! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!! My kids have been counting down this week to the days and days of pure play, television watching and staying up past 8pm. There will be swimming in the sun, cycling at the parks, picnics at the beach, visits to the museums, and other fun activities to fill the long summer days. While my children request for visits to the flyer and other usual attractions such as the zoo and bird park, Mom (that's me!) had planned an outing on a yacht, an overnight stay at a Sentosa resort, and other scintillating activities to engage my pre-schoolers. Many parents I know had enrolled their children in summer courses or taking extended vacations overseas. I decided to buck the trends this summer by NOT enrolling the children in any summer courses AND staying put in Singapore. The latter is due to the threat of the swine flu. As for the former, I figure that once they enter primary school, they'd lose their summers forever. PLUS, kids these days are enrolled in way too many courses - piano, art, mandarin, maths, mental prowess, Taekwondo, blah, blah, blah, that they have no time to enjoy their childhood. In fact, some children are so used to being shipped from one course to the next that they have no concept of a summer vacation. While I have planned lots of activities for the kids this summer, my master plan is to give my wee ones a chance to do nothing , but play for a whole month. Who knows, along the way, they might learn something, appreciate mommy's company AND collect some precious childhood memories. Now that's definitely worth a whole month of time, money and effort.
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